Phone: 973-224-4144
Phone: 973-224-4144
We don’t get this question too often, but as someone considering donating to our cause, we believe it’s important to outline where funds go: As a small nonprofit, we only receive 2 consistent donations monthly which totals $375 monthly. The rest of funds we rely on to come through our shop and online store. There are several months those funds don’t come in to cover our expenses. We rely on our store sales to pay our expenses which we keep at a bare minimum.
Your contribution will enable us to continue operations at our all-volunteer organization. We are very grateful for your generosity. You can donate directly to our charity with PayPal by clicking below. Thank you for your support!
We were officially established as Launching Point, Inc in October 2006 and officially declared a 501(c)3 charitable organization in October 2007. We are now known as Love More Judge Less, an all-volunteer run charitable organization that doesn't receive any formal funding. We have an online store and popup shop that we sell our original pins, magnets, wristbands, and stickers as a way to encourage and raise funds.
Just like any other nonprofit or business, we have overhead and our monthly bills/expenses are as follows.
Rent: $635
Building Insurance: $135
Auto Insurance: $70
Internet: $88
Utilities: $100
Microsoft: $10.95
Website: $29
Bank Fee: $29
Credit Card: $65
When we went through a financial hardship in the beginning of 2015, our founder, Vicki got a part-time demonstrating job on the weekends and donated 100% of all funds to our charity from April 2015 through January 2020. It was through her donation to our charity that kept us going along with the few outside donations.
In April 2019 we received $450 monthly from a church and that continued through September 2022. We also received $300 from a local church for one year from March 2022 through April 2023.
Does anyone receive a salary or any financial compensation?
What if I donated a large lump sum, where would that go?
Does your organization donate to other charities?